Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Week 5- 24/03/09

In this class exercise i just open the source of file week4prac.php in notepad ++ and under the body tag write this code

echo date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A');

and i got the desired output!.....that was easy

Based on my discussion with Alastair my project is to develop a address book using PHP and MySql any kind of help is welcome guys!

Following is the summary of book which i read in library
Beginning PHP and MySql no voice to professional

Hi Guys! My first introduction to PHP……

Brief history

Rasmus lerdorf developed a perl/CGI script to find out how many visitors were reading his online resume in 1995. Lerdorf then started giving his toolset dubbed Personal Home Page(PHP).
He has been continuously developing language and various version of PHP has been generated.

Some feature of PHP4
- Improved resource handling – this eliminate the drawback of earlier version 3.X of scalability.
- Object oriented support – support a degree of Object oriented paradigm but it was not well structured and implemented.
- Native session-handling support – For earlier version of PHP, Http session handling was available through third party package PHPLIB but PHP 4 has inbuild support for this.
- Encryption – Mcrypt library was included in this to provide encryption facility.
- ISAPI Support – this offered user a way to use PHP with Microsoft’s IIS web server.
- Native Com/DCom Support- ability to access and instantiate window com object
- Native Jave Support- Binding java object through PHP was possible in this version.
- Perl Compatible Regular Expressions(PCRE) library- these are really complex regular Expressions used to carry out complex task. I have seen this in other subject these are scary…..

Some Feature of PHP5
- Enhanced object oriented capabilities - this eliminate the flaws of earlier version.
- Try /catch exception handling- exception handling was added in this version.
- Improved Xml and web service support – Xml known as SimpleXml has been introduced and SOAP extension is now available.
- Native support for Sqlite- SQlite is database sever like MySql and oracle Sql, and support for this was added in PHP5

Some Feature of PHP6

- Unicode support
- Security improvement
- New language feature and structure

As I go through further chapters It remind me of C/C++ which I did during my bachelor’s( those wonder day’s) it pretty much a like but one thing that interest me is PEAR( PHP Extension and application Repository) I am not actually sure what this is at this time? But I can best describe this as a set of ready made function which we can use while scripting which PHP and save us from lot of trouble, but still did’t get how to install these and use this.

- i have downloaded WAMP as been said by Alastair in video lec 4 and looking on the site www.w3schools.com and go through Php commands and MySql

Thats all for today!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Week4 Homework-Application server

Application server can be define as sever program which is a part of n-tier application in a distributed network. It contains the business logic for an application program.
In simple term application sever program act as an interpretor between Web server and database system which contain all the data.Whenever, web server encounter a web page with for example PHP tag in it, it pass it on to the PHP client which decode the tag and deliver the required information to web-server which in turn send that to web browser.

Various application servers
- PHP severs
- various PHP servers are:-
- PHPlens
- PHPappl
- Zend
- Eclipse PHP Development tool kit
- IBM PHP integration kit for Websphere server(Websphere is java appliction server but with PHP integration kit it can also function as PHP application server along with J2ee support.

- J2EE Application server
-various J2EE application servers are:-
- Apache
- Tomcat
- Websphere
- Orion

Friday, March 13, 2009


Hi Guys!
I am chetan wadhwa, i have no previous experience in designing websites although i did HTML i think in 2002 hardly remember it now, i graduated form UTS with my major in Animation in dec'08. Still trying to figuring out what i have to do in this subject DMT but what i really want to do is learn about scripting engine PHP !......